What are the raw materials for degradable plastics?


Biodegradable plastics can be gradually broken down into pieces and eventually completely degraded by optimizing the

production materials and production process under the combined action of sun and rain and microorganisms over several

days or months. The main raw materials of degradable plastics are: polylactic acid, polyhydroxyl fatty acid ester,

carbon  dioxide copolymer, starch, modified starch or other cellulose, photosensitizer, biodegradant and so on.

Biodegradable refers to the natural decomposition of paper, wood, plants, food and other compounds under the action of

microorganisms, which eventually form carbon dioxide, water and other common forms in nature. The ubiquitous plastic

products have made people's life easier, but the resulting plastic waste has caused a lot of pollution to the ecological

environment. The white pollution caused by plastic products led by plastic bags is endangering the natural environment

and people's normal life step by step. An important way to combat "white pollution" is to replace regular plastic with

biodegradable plastic.

Biodegradable plastics can be gradually broken down into pieces and eventually completely degraded by optimizing the

production materials and production process under the combined action of sun and rain and microorganisms over several

days or months. At present, the main raw materials for degradable plastics are:

polylactic acid (PLA), which is polymerized from lactide monomer extracted from plant sugar, and can be completely

degraded into water and carbon dioxide under industrial compost.

Polyhydroxyfatty acid ester (PHA), polyhydroxyfatty acid ester (PHA) is an aliphatic copolymer polyester with different

structures synthesized by microbial fermentation through various carbon sources. It can not only be used in packaging

materials, agricultural film, etc., but also widely used in medicine, cosmetics, animal feed and other fields.

Carbon dioxide copolymer (PPC), similar in appearance to polyethylene plastic, has good elasticity, can be completely

degraded in a short time in soil, and directly absorbed by plants.

Other additives, in the production process of plastic packaging products to add a certain amount of additives (such as starch,

modified starch or other cellulose, photosensitizers, biodegraders, etc.), so that the stability of plastic decline, easier to

degrade in the natural environment.